I’m Anna Gray
Ever since I was a little girl, my heart has been drawn to the beauty and nostalgia of an era long gone. My great grandmother’s box of 1920s sepia prints remind me that photographs not only have the power to freeze a moment in time, but the power to tell about and carry on one’s legacy and who they were…even after they are gone and a box of photos are what’s left.
I am captivated by nostalgia, mood, early 20th century cinema, and art that makes you feel something and contemplate life a little deeper. I believe that people were innately wired up to admire and appreciate beauty. Each of us has Divine imprints, and photography is a tangible way to mirror that and see that same beauty within ourselves.
To me, people are most beautiful in the moments they aren’t even aware someone is watching; when they are completely themselves, lost in thought, alive, free. Even if caught but a nanosecond, my heart behind my lens is to capture just that. To me, that reveals a bit of someone’s soul.
And to me, that is beautiful.