Jeremy & Eirena as Lovers

-A Wedding Preview-

Thirteen years ago, a scrawny teenager with a learner permit, I photographed my first wedding. My mom dropped me off in the family mini van and I anxiously stepped out with my entry level camera. A Triad wedding photographer took a chance on the newbie who sent her a hopeful email. I emailed as many wedding photographers as I could get my starved resume and novice, over saturated images to; anticipant that I could persuade just one of them to let me shadow and shoot for free. There’s one reply I’ll never forget. It was like being friend zoned by a cute boy. In that email, sat paragraphs explaining what a burden I’d be as a newbie in the industry. A wedding was not the best “teaching time” for her and they were a “monster” to tackle. I felt gutted. Despite my knobby knees, introversion, and unbelievably awkward social skills screaming anything but “Fighter”, I committed to fighting my way forward.

And now, thirteen years later, I’m wrapping up my last wedding season before I retire them from my collections. I’ll reserve that “why” for a future post (it’s gonna get a little dark and gritty), but tonight, my heart is warmed by the many faces who have sought my creative eye to stalk and freeze time on the day that changed their lives.

Jeremy & Eirena are long time friends of mine. Actually, I recall her mother holding her as a newborn (yes, my psyche goes far back, haha) and my lens has seen her as a ten year old for family portraits, a senior in high-school, engaged, and now married. It was quite a trippy moment to realize that as we took some bridal portraits. She and Jeremy’s love stirs something so differently within my soul. I’ve told Eirena multiple times that if I ever needed a style guide, I’d hire her in a heartbeat. She can pick up the kitschiest shoes and whack off her hair to micro-bangs, and somehow, it just works so freakishly well. She’s unafraid and unashamed to run wild and free in her own skin. And her husband kinda loves her for it. I had no shadow of a doubt that Doc Marten’s or Converse would be on the wedding wardrobe menu, and lo and behold, my speculations were right on track. Jeremy and Eirena are like two old souls from the 1940s, trapped inside a retro, offbeat, cutting edge, modern 21st century couple. Frank Sinatra streamed through my laptop speakers as I edited and felt so fitting. I have a huge crush on Eirena’s wardrobe and am still trying to make friends with Jeremy’s insanely creepy handshake (if you know you know) and have had way too much fun getting my lens all over them.

There’s something really beautiful about photographing two people who are so contrastingly different, yet so much alike. They swing dance (and kill it every time on the floor). They are introverted and have wicked dry humor. They have fantastic aesthetic taste. They both seem quiet at first glance, but are incredibly empathic and open with others. There’s this feeling of ease and like you can truly exist in your own skin, march to the beat of your own drum, and be yourself when you’re with them. Behind Jeremy’s 24/7 stoic expression and Eirena’s platform Chuck Taylor’s, is what I can only describe as a genuine warmth. There’s something about each of them that really sees people down to their soul; even if you only get one - maybe two - words from Jeremy, who I am convinced abides by the philosophy of stoicism. And then there’s Eirena, who I’m convinced is either Eleven from Stranger Things or Millie Bobby Brown’s burgundy doppelgänger. Anyway.

Thank you, Jeremy & Eirena, for letting me spy on you as lovers for the day. Happy Honeymooning & wishing you alll the "one flesh vibes”! ;)


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