Holy Communion

There’s just something about being among a Catholic mass that puts my soul at ease. I grew up as a Methodist turned Baptist pastor’s kid, church hopped and denominationally tried and questioned everything in my teen years, deconstructed, doubted, and reconstructed my faith, yet am always drawn to the beauty and splendor of the church that is Our Lady of Grace. It is always a blessing to spend time here and document their masses. I love the way worship is seen in so many forms. There’s a Holy hush and beauty to be felt during their prayer, readings, liturgical chants, and the way they bring Latin - a supposedly “dead” language - back to life again. The richness of the symbolism and desire to pursue aesthetic excellence, to me, reflects the beauty they see in God.

From my lens to you, enjoy some of the beauty from First Communion two weekends ago.


She Said to Me, “Soften Up”


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